Meynert, Hermann Günther Pseudonym Janus#
b. Dresden (Germany), Dec. 20, 1808, d. Vienna, March 10, 1895, journalist; father of Theodor Meynert. Came to Vienna in 1836 and worked for the theatre journal "Wiener Allgemeine Theaterzeitung" of A. Baeuerle and in the editorial office of the "Oesterreichischer Soldatenfreund"; wrote historical papers for non-specialists.
Franz I., Ks. von Oe., und sein Zeitalter, 1834; Geschichte Oe., seiner Voelker und Laender, 6 vols., 1843-1853; Geschichte der k. k. oe. Armee, 4 vols., 1852-1854; Ks. Joseph II., 1862. - Edition: Neuer Plutarch, 5 vols., 1842-1853.Literature#
J. Fellner, H. M., 1947.