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unbekannter Gast

Meynert, Theodor#

b. Dresden (Germany), June 15, 1833, d. Klosterneuburg (Lower Austria), May 31, 1892 psychiatrist; son of Hermann Guenther Meynert. Professor at the University of Vienna (1870), member of the supreme committee of experts for the Ministry of Health. Fundamental research on the anatomy and functioning of the brain, established the anatomy of the cerebral cortex. Taught that pathological cerebral anatomy should serve as a basis for psychiatry and the treatment of mental diseases.


Der Bau der Grosshirnrinde und seine oertl. Verschiedenheit, 1868; Psychiatrie, Klinik der Erkrankungen des Vorderhirns, 1884.


D. Stockert-Meynert, T. M. und seine Zeit, 1930; E. Lesky, Die Wr. Medizin. Schule im 19. Jh., 21978; NDB.