Mitterer, Erika verehelichte Petrowsky#
b. Vienna, March 30, 1906, poet, narrative writer and dramatist. 1929/1930 secretary of the cultural association Kulturbund in Vienna; between 1924-1926 correspondence with R. M. Rilke ("Briefwechsel in Gedichten", 1959). Her literature is strongly influenced by her Catholic beliefs, prefers mythological subjects and social themes, attempts to come to terms with the phenomenon of the Nazi period. Awarded the Austrian Decoration for Science and Art in 1985.
Further works#
Poems: Dank des Lebens, 1930; Gesang der Wandernden, 1935; Zwoelf Gedichte, 1946; Gesammelte Gedichte, 1956; Klopfsignale, 1970; Entsuehnung des Kain, 1974; Das verhuellte Kreuz, 1985; Bible poems, 1994. - Novels: Hoehensonne, 1933; Der Fuerst der Welt, 1940 (revised edition 1988); Die nackte Wahrheit, 1952; Kleine Damengroesse, 1953; Wir sind allein, 1945; Tauschzentrale, 1958; Alle unsere Spiele, 1977. - Edition: P. Sela (ed.), Das gesamte lyrische Werk, 3 vols., 2001.