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unbekannter Gast

Montanistisches Museum#

Mining and Metallurgy Museum in the Court Chamber for Coinage and Mining (Hofkammer fuer das Muenz- und Bergwesen), 1835 founded on the initiative of Prince August von Lobkowitz in Heumarkt street in Vienna (today "Muenze Oesterreich", "Mint of Austria"). Promoted the systematic collection of minerals, rock and ore samples and served as a school for graduates from mining academies. Its first head was F. Mohs, succeeded in 1840 by W. von Haidinger, who had the first geological map of the Austrian Empire printed in 1847. Staff, collections and library passed over to the Geologische Reichsanstalt (Imperial Geological Institute) ( Geologische Bundesanstalt) in 1849.


W. Haidinger, Das k. k. Montanistische Museum und die Freunde der Naturwissenschaften in Wien, 1869.