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unbekannter Gast

Moreno, Jakob Levy eigentlich Jakob Moreno Levy#

b. Bucharest, Romania. May 18, 1889, d. Beacon, USA, May 14, 1974, poet, playwright and psychoptherapist. Born into a Jewish-Turkish family; 1918-25 physician at Bad Voeslau, Lower Austria. Published expressionist poetry ("Einladung zu einer Begegnung", 2 volumes, 1914), edited the magazine "Daimon" (1918) and developed in his plays ("Die Gottheit als Autor", 1922; "Die Gottheit als Komoediant", 1922) a radically new group-therapy concept based on dramatic art ("Das Stegreiftheater", 1923). Moreno went to the USA in 1925 and became head of a hospital at Beacon, New York, university professor in New York and president of the "World Center for Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy" whch he had founded. Considered the father of sociometry ("Who Shall Survive", 1934).

Further works#

Das Testament des Vaters, 1920; Der Koenigsroman, 1923; Rede ueber den Augenblick, 1923; Rede vor dem Richter, 1925; Gruppenpsychotherapie und Psychodrama, 1959.


H. Reindell, J. L. Moreno, doctoral thesis. Mainz 1975; P. Poertner, Einladung zu einer Begegnung. Der Dichter J. L. Moreno, in: Protokolle, Vol. 2, 1976; B. Marschall, "Ich bin der Mythe". Von der Stegreifbuehne zum Psychodrama J. L. Morenos, 1988; A. P. Hare and J. R. Hare, J. L. M., 1996; B. Marschall, Lebens-Spiel als Theater-Spiel, 1996; F. Buer (ed.), M. therapeutische Philosophie, 31999.