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unbekannter Gast


Motorcycle: The history of Austrian motorcycle production started in 1903 in Graz with J. Puch. Although there were about 30 Austrian motorcycle producers, Puch largely dominated the Austrian market until 1987. Motorcycle production reached its first peak during the inter-war years (motorcycle type Puch 220 from 1926), and boomed in the 1950s and 1960s (new Puch 250 from 1949) with 330,000 registered motorcycles in 1956. Today the only motorcycle manufacturer in Austria is KTM in Mattighofen (founded 1953).


F. Ehn, Das grosse Puch Buch. Die Zweiraeder von 1890-1987, 1988; R. Santner, Oesterr. Motorraeder und Beiwagen 1918-1960, 1994.