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unbekannter Gast

Musil, Robert#

b. Klagenfurt (Carinthia), Nov. 6, 1880, d. Geneva (Switzerland), April 15, 1942, writer of novels, plays and essays. M. grew up in Bruenn (Brno) and Steyr, attended military academies and studied mechanical engineering in Vienna, constructed a colour variation - gyroscope for optical experiments. Later completed his formal schooling and studied psychology and philosophy. 1908 completed his doctoral thesis ("Beitrag zur Beurteilung der Lehren Machs") in Berlin. 1911-1914 worked as a librarian at the Vienna University of Technology and wrote "Die Anarchisten", a drama published 1921 as "Die Schwaermer". From 1914 worked as a journalist for the "Neue Rundschau". When World War I started M. served on the Italian front and was later transferred to the War Press Service. After the war worked as a civil servant and from 1922 as a writer in Vienna and Berlin (1931-1933). Returned to Vienna and emigrated to Switzerland in 1938. From 1939 lived in Geneva until his death in obscurity and poverty. Awards: H. Kleist Prize (1923), G. Hauptmann Prize (1930).

His first full scale narrative "Die Verwirrungen des Zoeglings Toerless", highly acclaimed when published in 1906, explores the conflicts of an adolescent caught between awakening sexuality, violence and metaphysical alienation. His masterpiece "The Man Without Qualities" ("Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften") remained unfinished, although M. worked on it throughout his life. The first two parts were published during his lifetime (1933 and 1943), the third (unfinished) was published posthumously by his widow. In "Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften" M. describes the disintegration of the Austrian Empire ("Kakanien"), which to him symbolizes the disintegration of world order as such. With its intellectual precision, its blend of irony and mysticism and in its innovative power, the novel "Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften" earned M. a position among the world´s great authors. World wide recognition and a Musil-revival was initiated by A. Frise, who edited a complete edition of M.´s work (1952-1957).

Further works#

Novellas: Vereinigungen, 1911; Drei Frauen, 1924. - Drama: Vinzenz und die Freundin bed. Maenner (comedy), 1924. - Essays: Nachlass zu Lebzeiten, 1936; Ueber die Dummheit, 1937; Das hilflose Europa, ed. 1961. - Editions: Diaries, ed. by. A. Frise, 2 vols., 1976; Collected works, ed. by A. Frise, 2 vols., 1978; Letters 1901-1942, ed. by A. Frise, 1981.


R. Schneider, Die problematisierte Wirklichkeit, 1975; R.-M.-Symposion Berlin 1980, ed. by D. Farda, 1982; M. Max and J. C. Thoeming, R. M., A Selected Bibliography, in: Text und Kritik 21/22, 31983; H. G. Pott, R. M., 1984; K. Corino, R. M. Leben und Werk in Bildern und Texten, 1988; G. Baumann, R. M., ein Entwurf, 1997; T. Pekar, R. M. zur Einfuehrung, 1997; NOeB.