Nöstlinger, Christine#
Noestlinger, Christine, b. Vienna, Oct. 13, 1936, writer, wife of Ernst Noestlinger. Writes mainly of books for children and young people, has also worked for television, radio and magazines. With her ironic language and a style of expression that children understand, she created her very own personal style around 1970 and became one of the most successful and innovative Austrian writers of books for children and young people, which determined the direction for further developments in this field. In her books she concentrates on the needs of children and treats questions of authority and emancipation in a way that involves as little confrontation as possible. Numerous awards.
Die feuerrote Friederike, 1970; Ein Mann fuer Mama, 1972; Maikaefer flieg, 1973; Die unteren 7 Achtel des Eisbergs, 1978; Dschi-Dsche-i-Dschunior, 1980; Das Austauschkind, 1982; Am Montag ist alles ganz anders, 1984; Haushaltsschnecken leben laenger, 1985; Der geheime Grossvater, 1986; Man nennt mich Ameisenbaer, 1986; Die nie geschriebenen Briefe der Emma K., 75, 1988; Der Zwerg im Kopf, 1989; Einen Loeffel fuer den Papa, 1989.- Series of books for children: Geschichten vom Franz; Mini. - Poetry in Viennese dialect and texts for picture books.