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unbekannter Gast


Nenzing, Vorarlberg, market town in the district of Bregenz, alt. 530 m, pop. 5,140, area 110.32 km2, industry, trade and summer tourism (60,902 overnight stays) in the Walgau region at the end of the Gamperdonatal valley. Vorarlberg Centre for Naturopathy, Walgauwerk storage power station (built in 1984, 94 MW); 2,298 persons in gainful employment (1991), of whom about 65% are employed in processing trades and industries: metal processing (final processing of aluminium), crane manufacturing, food industry. Theatres: Theater der Figur and Theater Minimus Maximus (touring company with headquarters in Nenzing). - On the Scheibenstuhl hill, remains of a Rhaetic settlement from the Bronze Age; late Roman fortification (4th or 5th century A.D.) at the end of the Gamperdonatal valley with remains of walls, trenches and an exterior wall. First documented mention around 826 as "Nancinengos", Austrian in 1474. Baroque parish church St. Mauritius (first documented mention 842) with Gothic choir in walled-in graveyard, originally Carolingian construction (main apsis with 6 graves of the church founders) surrounded by an early-Gothic choir; after the fire of 1633, the choir and the nave were extended; in the subsidiary church in Berschling (first documented mention around 1470) high altar with late-Gothic superstructure and carved figures by an artist from Vorarlberg (1484), painted coffered ceiling (1686 or 1703); Kuehbruck pilgrimage church (1806), church (1791) in Gurtis; ruins of Welsch-Ramschwag castle (13th century), a fortress destroyed in 1405.


B. Nigsch, Nenzing im Umbruch der Wirtschaftsstruktur des Walgaus, 1970; K. Gamon (ed.), Nenzing, 1977/78; G. Schatzmann, Die geschichtliche Entwicklung der Pfarrgemeinde Nenzing, master´s thesis, Innsbruck 1988.