Norische Schule#
Noric School (Norische Schule), classicist group of poets in the Alpine countries in the 2nd half of the 19th century; its members include epigonous authors such as the Carinthian J. Fercher von Steinwand (1828-1902), F. Pichler (1834-1911), F. Marx (1830-1905), A. von Tschabuschnigg, G. Bogensberger (1838-1868), the Styrian C. G. von Leitner, the Tyroleans A. Pichler, C. Schneller and Angelika von Hoermann and R. Hamerling. The periodical "Carinthia" was the organ of the group. The Noric school was continued in the bi-weekly literary publication "Jung-Kaernten" edited by A. Gitschthaler from 1893 until 1895.