Oppenheimer, Max genannt Mopp#
b. Vienna, July 1, 1885, d. New York (USA), May 19, 1954, expressionist painter and graphic artist. Studied at the Vienna Academy from 1900-1903, then in Prague, from 1908 back in Vienna; joined the circle around O. Kokoschka, E. Schiele and A. P. Guetersloh. 1911-1915 in Berlin; added cubist elements to his painting, contributed to the journal "Die Aktion". 1915-1924 in Switzerland, then back to Berlin and Vienna. Designated by the National Socialists as "degenerated" artist, he emigrated to Switzerland in 1938, then to New York, where he lived in utter seclusion until his death.
Portraits (of A. Schoenberg, P. Altenberg, A. Schnitzler, A. v. Webern, E. Schiele, etc.), Szenen aus sportl. (Sechstagerennen, 1929) und musikal. Milieu (Symphonie, 1923; Philharmoniker, 1935-1952); Parklandschaft, 1954.Literature#
T. Natter, MOPP, exhibition catalogue, Jued. Mus. d. Stadt Wien, 1994; M.-A. v. Puttkamer, M. O. - MOPP (1885-1954). Leben und malerisches Werk mit einem Werkverz. der Gemaelde, 1999.