Orel, Anton#
b. Vienna, Sept. 17, 1881, d. Vienna, July 11, 1959, sociologist and publicist. Founded the "Bund der Arbeiterjugend Oesterreichs" in 1905, which became the "Verband der christlichen Jugend Oesterreichs" in 1907. O. was sent to the Vienna City Council by the Christian Socialist party from 1923-1925, but repeatedly came into conflict with the party. 1943/44 in prison. Dealt with the catholic social reform propagated by Baron K. von Vogelsang in numerous publications.
Der Alkoholismus, 1908; Kapitalismus, Bodenreform und christl. Sozialismus, 1909; Leos XIII. soziales Werk, 1913; Das Grundproblem der Kultur, 2 vols., 1919 (under the pen name Johannes Aquila); Handbuch der christl. Gesellschaftslehre, 1920; Vogelsangs Leben und Lehren, 1922; Oeconomia perennis, 2 vols., 1930. - Ed. of several journals ("Das neue Volk" 1924-1936 and others).Literature#
L. Reichhold, A. O. Der Kampf um die oe. Jugend, 1990.