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unbekannter Gast


Ossiach, Carinthia, municipality in the district of Feldkirchen, alt. 510 m, pop. 703, area 17.40 km2, summer tourism (430,530 overnight stays in 1992), bathing resort on the south-eastern shore of Lake Ossiach; wharf. - Breeding farm of the Chamber of Agriculture, Forestry School, recreation home for blind war veterans, summer toboggan course, Carinthischer Sommer Festival (every July/August), Carinthia Gallery (in the abbey). - Former Benedictine abbey (the oldest in Carinthia, founded before 1028, closed 1783) 3-aisled, late Gothic colonnade basilica, (originally Romanesque, altered 1737-1744), grave of the Polish King Boleslav II (with relief of a horse dating back to Roman times) at the northern exterior wall, interior walls altered in the Baroque style with coloured stucco and frescoes (J. F. Fromiller), high altar (late 17th century) with enthroned Madonna, late Gothic winged altarpiece (around 1505) with wood carvings by the St. Veit Atelier in the baptistery; Fuerstensaal hall (partly demolished in 1816) with frescoes by J. F. Fromiller (around 1739/40, including life-size representations of 14 Habsburg rulers).


I. Bodo, Geschichte des Benediktinerstiftes Ossiach, doctoral thesis, Vienna 1967.