Ostermiething, Upper Austria, market town in the district of Braunau, alt. 423 m, pop. 2,516 (1981: 2,197), area 21.69 km2, on the eastern bank of River Salzach (at the border to Bavaria), on the southern border of Oberer Weilhart forest, upper Innviertel region. - Customs office, road administration office, Riedersbach I (built 1969) and II steam power plants (built 1986, partly in the municipality of St. Pantaleon); dairy, building and construction companies. - Parish church (1676-1683, by J. Vilzkotter) with Baroque interior and Rococo stuccowork; former vicarage (1462) now a hospital, with Gothic fresco cycle (uncovered in 1941).
A. Haitzinger, Ein Dorf im oberen Innviertel, master´s thesis, Vienna 1984.