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Pálffy, Adelsgeschlecht#

Pálffy, wealthy Hungarian noble family; most of their estates were situated in Cěrvený Kameń (Slovakia); from the 16th century, the family produced prominent officers and civil servants. Prominent members of the family included Count Nikolaus II Pálffy, Count Nikolaus VI Pálffy of Erdoed and Count Johann IV Pálffy.

P. Palace in the first district of Vienna (Wallnerstrasse 6), with its fourteen-windowed facade, was built 1809-1813 according to plans by C. de Moreau. Until 1989 the seat of the Federal Administration Archives; today the seat of the Federal Administration Academy. P. Palace at Josefsplatz 6 in Vienna's first district (former Kinsky Palace, facade from 1575) has been in the family since 1684. Mozart staged his first private performance of "Le nozze di Figaro" there in 1786; the building was badly damaged in 1944 and rebuilt in 1956. Today, it houses Oesterreich-Haus.