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unbekannter Gast

Passy, Anton#

b. Vienna, March 31, 1788, d. Vienna, March 11, 1847, priest, church historian, author of religious poetry, narrative writer, journalist. One of the most popular preachers of his time. Intellectual affinity to the Romantic poets. His brother Georg P. edited the magazine "Oelzweige", which was of major importance for religious life in Vienna 1819-1823. As an advocate of the restoration of traditional catholicism P. wrote devotional works and prayer books, edifying literature and books on church history, as well as the hymn collection "Orgeltoene" (1830).

Further works#

Des Juenglings Glaube, Hoffnung und Liebe. Poem in 3 books. With an introductory poem by F. Schlegel, 1821; Zeitspiegel, 1835 (Novella).


H. Seidler, Oe. Vormaerz und Goethezeit, 1982.