Pastoralinstitut, Österreichisches, ÖPI#
Pastoralinstitut, Oesterreichisches, OePI (Austrian Pastoral Institute), Vienna, established in 1968, formerly known as Oesterreichisches Seelsorgeinstitut (OeSI, Austrian Pastoral Care Institute), an interdiocesan institution under the control of the Conference of (Austrian) Bishops; it is concerned with applied studies regarding pastoral duties and is directed by the Austrian Pastoral Commission (Pastoralkommission Oesterreich - PKOe). Its projects are dealt with in workshops, symposia and events such as the Austrian Pastoral Meeting (Pastoraltagung - formerly known as Pastoral Christmas Meeting).
Tagungsberichte, PKOe-Texte.Literature#
L. Klenor, Das Wiener Seelsorgeinstitut und das Seelsorgeamt, 1957.