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unbekannter Gast

Plaschka, Richard#

b. Bitov, Czech Republic (then Voettau), July 8, 1925, historian. 1958-1988 head of the Austrian Institute of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, 1967-1988 professor of Eastern European history at the University of Vienna; even before 1989 had close contact with scientists from Communist countries.


Cattaro und Prag. Revolte und Revolution, 1963; Die Aufloesung des Habsburgerreichs, 1970; Innere Front. Militaerassistenz, Widerstand und Umsturz in der Donaumonarchie 1918, 2 vols., 1974 (with H. Haselsteiner a. A. Suppan); Matrosen, Offiziere, Rebellen, 1984; Nationalismus, Staatsgewalt, Widerstand, 1985; Avantgarde des Widerstands, 2 vols., 2000.