Poysdorf, Lower Austria, town in the district of Mistelbach, alt. 225 m, pop. 5,447, area 97.24 km2, winegrowing village (first documented mention 1334) in the valley of the Poybach stream, in the north-eastern Weinviertel Region. - District Court, local branch of the District Commission, chamber of agriculture of the district of Mistelbach, road maintenance depot, local branch of the federal office and research centre for agriculture, social care centre, day-care centre for the disabled, family counselling, agricultural trade school, municipal museum with St. Barbara chapel, wine trail; cable production, Lagerhaus agricultural co-operative, production of winepresses; new industrial region (15 hectares) in the development stage, some tourism. - Near Kleinhadersdorf burial ground of the Linear Pottery Culture, very densely populated during the New Stone Age; Germanic settlements from the Roman era; graves of the Langobardi, early Slavic cremation urn pit (7th century); documented mention as "Poistorf" in 1194/1196; town since 1923; early Baroque parish church (1629-1635) on a hill, gravestones (18th and 19th centuries) in the former churchyard wall; Maria Bruendl pilgrimage church (1740); Vogelsangmuehle residence (main structure dates back to 1589); Trinity column (1715); winepressing houses with Baroque core.
J. Mattner, Geschichte der Stadt Poysdorf und ihrer Katastralgemeinden, 1981; Oesterreichisches Staedtebuch, vol. IV, part 2, Die Staedte Niederoesterreichs, 1976.