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unbekannter Gast

Prandstetter, Martin Joseph#

b. Vienna, Oct. 5, 1760, d. Munkács, Ukraine (then Mukachevo), June 25, 1798, poet. From 1783 civil servant of the municipal authority in Vienna, 1780-1794 wrote for the almanac "Wiener Musenalmanach" and for publications of the Freemasons; developed an original form of expression in his poetic works, which covered a variety of themes ("Winzerlieder", humorous poems, ballads with a moral). In the course of the Jacobin Conspiracy was arrested in 1794 and sentenced to 30 years confinement in Munkács fortress, where he died a few years later.


F. Haderer, M. J. P., doctoral thesis, Vienna 1967; A. Koerner (ed.), Die Wr. Jakobiner, 1972.