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unbekannter Gast

Priessnitz, Reinhard#

b. Vienna, Oct. 27, 1945, d. Vienna, Nov. 5, 1985, writer of experimental poetry and prose, essayist. Editor of the "Neues Forum" 1968-1974, from 1976 regular articles for the newspaper "Die Presse"; 1982 lectureship in literature and poetry at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna and at the Art College in Linz. With his work continued the tradition of the Wiener Gruppe without adopting their formalist conception. His main work, published during his lifetime, is the "vierundvierzig gedichte" (1978). The Reinhard Priessnitz Prize has been awarded by the Austrian Federal Chancellery since 1994.

Further works#

Werkausgabe, ed. by F. Schmatz, 4 vols., 1978-1994.


Dossier R. P., in: Sprache im techn. Zeitalter, Nr. 100, 1986; W. Ruprechter (ed.), R.-P.-Symposion Paris 1990, 1992; F. J. Czernin, Die Schreibhand. Zu R. P. Gedicht "Heldin", 1997.