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Puch bei Hallein#

Puch bei Hallein, province of Salzburg, municipality in the district of Hallein, alt. 444 m, pop. 3,429 (pop. in 1981: 2,766), area 21.01 km2, summer tourist resort (35,759 overnight stays in 1992) situated in the Salzach Valley north of Hallein. - Urstein run-of-river power station (built in 1971, 25.7 MW); baby food factory, small and medium-sized enterprises. - First documented mention in 930; late Gothic parish church; Puchstein (first documented mention in the 15th century) and Urstein (1701) Castles; old Tennengau farmhouses; St. Jacob's Church in St. Jakob am Thurn (1238) with early Gothic frescoes, Loreto Chapel (1754) and castle (first documented mention in 11th century) with Romanesque core.