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Quellen und Quellensammlungen#

History of Austria, Sources: sources dealing with the history of Austria are found in the federal, provincial and town and city Archives, as well as in archives located in monasteries and convents, in various organisations and abroad (the United States, Germany and Russia possess significant archives relevant to contemporary Austrian history). Written sources have appeared in many different editions: in the 18th century, for example, H. Pez, Scriptores rerum Austriacarum, three volumes, 1721-1745; A. Rauch, Rerum Austriacarum Scriptores, three volumes, 1793/1794; F. A. Kollar, Analecta monumentorum omnis aevi Vindobonensia, two volumes, 1761-1772; many medieval sources have been included in the Monumenta Germaniae Historica (Historical Monuments of the Germans) since 1840 (the work´s documents are classified according to the following categories: scriptores, diplomata, German chronicles, legal sources, etc). The Institut fuer Oesterreichische Geschichtsforschung (Institute of Austrian History Research) was specifically established to study these documents. Since its creation, the Austrian Academy of Sciences has been active in examining and publishing sources dealing with the history of Austria (Fontes rerum Austriacarum, three sections: Scriptores, until 1994 12 volumes; Diplomataria et acta, 87 volumes, Fontes iuris, 11 volumes). Modern publications include the Book of Documents of the Babenbergs (vol. 1/2, 1950, vol. 3, 1954, vol. 4/1, 1968) and the Regesta Habsburgica. All the provinces (with the exception of Lower Austria) possess books of documents dating from the Middle Ages; Lower Austrian documents were for the most part published in the Fontes rerum Austriacarum. In addition, the Austrian Academy of Sciences has published Urbare (since 1904) and Weistuemer (since 1870) (E. v. Schwind and A. Dopsch, Ausgewaehlte Urkunden zur Verfassungsgeschichte ... im MA, 1896; 1100 Jahre oesterreichischer und europaeischer Geschichte in Urkunden und Akten des Haus-, Hof- und Staatsarchivs, 1949; O. Frass, Quellenbuch zur oesterreichischen Geschichte, four volumes, 1956-1967).

The following sources dealing with the history of Austria in the modern era are of significance: publications of the Austrian Commission for Modern History in four groups: Austria´s international treaties, publications on the internal history of Austria; communications on materials from individual archives; correspondence of Austrian rulers and statesmen; as well as Austrian diplomatic dossiers. Codex Austriacus, in two parts with supplements, six volumes, 1704-1777. Documents covering the period from Joseph II to Ferdinand I: "Gesetze und Verordnungen ...", 1788-1851; A Collection of Legislation, edited by J. Kropatschek (Joseph II, 18 vols., 1785-1790; Leopold II, 5 vols., 1792; Franz II, 60 vols., beginning with volume 25 edited by W. G. Goutta, beginning with volume 58 edited by F. X. Pichl, 1792-1836). Imperial Law Gazette, 1849-1918; Handbook of Austrian Laws and Ordinances, published by the Austrian Staatsdruckerei, 200 vols., 1868-1918; State Law Gazette of the Republic of Austria, 1919, Federal Law Gazette, 1920-1938; Law Gazette of Austria, 1938-1940; Federal Law Gazette, from 1945; H. Fischer and G. Silvestri, Texte zur oesterreichischen Verfassungsgeschichte. From the Pragmatic Sanction to the Federal Constitution, 1713-1966, 1970; H. R. Klecatsky and S. Morscher, Die oesterreichische Bundesverfassung, 31985; F. Koja, Das Verfassungsrecht der oesterreichischen Bundeslaender, 21988; Repertorium der diplomatic Vertreter (reference work on Austrian diplomats), 1935; Akten zur Aussenpolitik Oesterreich-Ungarns, 8 volumes, 1930ff.; Oesterreichisches Generalstabswerk (ed.), Der Krieg von 1859, 3 volumes, 1872-1876; Oesterreichische Kaempfe im Jahre 1866, 5 volumes, 1867-1869; Oesterreich-Ungarns letzter Krieg, 7 volumes, 21931-1938; minutes from the ministerial council

s from the time of the Monarchy and the First Republic.


Quellen zur Geschichte Oe., Schriften des Inst. fuer Oesterreich-Kunde 40, 1982; Dahlmann-Waitz, Quellenkunde zur Deutschen Geschichte, 101970ff. (not yet finished)