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unbekannter Gast


Rain Miracle, extraordinary rescue of Roman troops in the campaigns against the Germans ( Marcomanni), probably occurred on June 11, 172 A.D. The Romans were encircled by their enemies and suffered greatly from intense heat and water shortage when, suddenly, they were saved by an onset of thunderstorms. Pagan and Christian authors attributed this incident to divine intervention. Tertullian (died after 220) and later Eusebius interpreted it as the answer to the prayers of the Christian soldiers. The Rain Miracle is the earliest indication of the presence of Christians on Austrian territory. It is depicted on the column of Marcus Aurelius in Rome.


W. Jobst, 11. Juni 172 n. Chr. Der Tag des Blitz- und Regenwunders im Quadenlande, 1978; M. Sage, Eusebius and the Rain Miracle, 1987.