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unbekannter Gast


Reutte, Tirol, market town in the district of Reutte, alt. 853 m, pop. 5,306, area 100.90 km2, bi-seasonal tourism (126,255 overnight stays in 1992, mainly in the summer), centre of transport and traffic on the River Lech, main town in the Ausserfern region. - District commission, district court, rural police headquarters, forest inspectorate, Chamber of Agriculture, association of fire-fighting services, hospital, district construction office, tax office, customs office, surveying office, health authority, hydraulic engineering authority, employment services, Economic Chamber, Chamber of Labour, rural police provincial headquarters, local health and social insurance office and dental clinic, Sisters of Mercy, New Apostolic community, child counselling service, family counselling service, Kolpingwerk apprentice relief organisation centre, youth centre, Drei-Tannen stadium, Bundesrealgymnasium (federal mathematics-oriented secondary school), commercial college, Fachschule fuer wirtschaftliche Berufe (commercial college), commercial vocational school, adult education centre, electric power station and waterworks, Reutte-Hoefen airfield, Reutte mountain railway (municipality of Hoefen) leading up to the Hoefener Alpe mountain; approx. 68 % of the 3,332 employed persons (1991) work in the services sector, also metal-working and textile industries, electricity suppliers. Until the late Middle Ages Reutte was located on an important salt transportation route. - Vicariate parish church (since 1628 connected with the Franciscan monastery) with Gothic choir and Baroque nave rebuilt after a fire 1864, on the high altar, pilgrimage painting of St. Anne with Mary and the child Jesus by J. Lederer (1515); ruins of Ehrenberg fortress (in the 17th century extended to form the most expansive fortification in the country); Mittelflurhaus farmhouse types with curved window grilles and façade paintings, residence of the Zeiller family of painters and museum of local history and culture; Lakes Urisee, Frauensee, Plansee and Heiterwanger See nearby.


F. Bauer et al., Reutte - 500 Jahre Markt, 1489-1989, 1989.