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Revolutionäre Sozialisten#

Revolutionaere Sozialisten (Revolutionary Socialists): After the February 1934 Uprising and the ban on the Sozialdemokratische Partei, groups were formed that mainly consisted of young people or members of Social-Democratic secondary organisations; they joined together to form the "Vereinigte Sozialistische Partei Oesterreichs" (VSPOe, Austrian United Socialist Party), renamed Revolutionaere Sozialisten at the end of 1934; it distanced itself from the KPOe communist party and from the "reformist illusions" of the Social-Democrats. Originally concentrated in Vienna, it slowly extended its activities to include other provinces; contacts to party HQ of the Social-Democrats in Bruenn (Brno) (O. Bauer) were established, particularly under its chairman J. Buttinger. From 1936 the group was dominated by the conflicting views of J. Buttinger and O. Leichter on the status of a middle-class democracy. The Revolutionary Socialists dissolved in March 1938. In 1945 the "Austrian Socialist Party" re-formed and used the subtitle of "Sozial-Demokraten und Revolutionaere Sozialisten", which was, however, soon given up.


J. Buttinger, Am Beispiel Oe., 1953; O. Leichter, Zwischen zwei Diktaturen,. Revolutionaere Sozialisten 1934-38, 1968; W. Wisshaupt, Wir kommen wieder. Eine Geschichte der Revolutionaere Sozialisten in Oesterreich, 1967; P. Pelinka, Erbe und Neubeginn. Die Revolutionaere Sozialisten in Oesterreich 1934-38, 1981; F. West, Die Linke im Staendestaat Oesterreich, Revolutionaere Sozialisten und Kommunisten 1934-38, 1978.