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Rheticus Rhaeticus, Georg Joachim eigentlich G. J. von Lauchen#

Rheticus (Rhaeticus), Georg Joachim (real name: G. J. von Lauchen), b. Feldkirch (Vorarlberg), Feb. 15, 1514, d. Košice, Slovakia (then Kaschau), Dec. 4, 1576, humanist, astronomer and mathematician. Worked at the Universities of Wittenberg, Leipzig and Vienna. His famous work "Narratio prima de libris revolutionum Copernici" (1540) sums up the observations made by his teacher Copernicus, with whom he worked and whose works were printed upon his initiative. made important trigonometric calculations (started a table of goniometric functions calculated to 10 decimal places) and prepared the ground for the tables of logarithms created in 1611.

Further works#

Ephemeris ex fundamentis Copernici, 1550; Canon doctrinae triangulorum, 1551; Opus Palatinum de triangulis, 1596.