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unbekannter Gast

Rittinger, Marian eigentlich Jakob Rittinger#

Rittinger, Marian (real name: Jakob R.), b. Klagenfurt (Carinthia), around 1650, d. Garsten (Upper Austria), 1712, sculptor and carver, lay brother of the former Benedictine monastery Garsten, his presence there was documented from 1683. The influence of his workshop is noticeable in many churches in Upper Austria.


high altars, statues of saints, puttos, miniature sculptures e.g. in the former monastery church at Garsten and in the churches of Ternberg (1688-1690), Grossraming (around 1690), Stift Kremsmuenster (around 1705); boxwood nativity scene at Pfarrhof Garsten (around 1712).