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unbekannter Gast


Red-White-Red: 1) Colours of the Austrian flag ( Flags and Banners) and of the Austrian Coat of Arms. 2) Best known radio station during the occupation of Austria (in the US zone) after World War II; from June 5, 1945 to March 15, 1954, it broadcast a radio programme which was very popular in Austria and in neighbouring countries. It was also responsible for the broadcasts from the Salzburger Festspiele and set the standard for the development of modern radio in terms of programme content. Studios in Salzburg, Linz and Vienna.


I. Stohl, Rundfunk in Salzburg 1945-1954, doctoral thesis, Salzburg 1988; M. Aichinger, Rot-Weiss-Rot Linz und das Rundfunkwesen in Oberoesterreich, doctoral thesis, Salzburg 1992.