Rys, Jan eigentlich Marcel Nerlich#
Rys, Jan (real name: Marcel Nerlich), b. Ostrava, Czech Republic (then Maehrisch-Ostrau), July 22, 1931, d. Unterrabnitz (Burgenland), Nov. 22, 1986, writer of radio plays, playwright. 1948 fled to Vienna, 1949-1970 in Germany, 1971 founded the International Centre for radio plays in Unterrabnitz. Influenced by existentialism and absurd drama, major contributions to the development of the modern radio play; most important subject was man's alienation from his social and cultural context.
about 50 radio plays: Grenzgaenger, 1960; 53 Schritte, in: Hoerspielbuch 1960; Die Toten duerfen nicht sterben, 1961, in: Hoerspielbuch, 1961; Franta, 1965; Liebesspiel, 1965. - Novel: Pfade im Dickicht, 1955.