Sambucus, Johannes eigentlich János Zsámboky#
Sambucus, Johannes (real name: János Zsámboky), b. Trnava, Slovakia (then Tyrnau), July 25, or 30, 1531, d. Vienna, June 13, 1584, physician, historian, philologist and poet. Studied in several German cities, in Paris and Padova; from 1584 councillor, physician and historiographer at the court in Vienna. Wrote numerous works on authors of the antiquity and treatises on the history of Hungary. His "Emblemata" (1564) were very popular; correspondence with humanist scholars.
H. Gerstinger, Aus dem Tagebuch des kaiserl. Hofhistoriographen J. S. (1531-1584), 1965; W. Waterschoot, Lucas d´Heere und J. S., in: Emblematica 5, 1990.