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Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia- Herzegovina, 1878-1908 a Turkish province occupied by the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, 1908-1918 formally annexed as an Imperial land. It was in Sarajevo, on June 28, 1914 that the heir presumptive to the Austro-Hungarian throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie were shot and killed by G. Princip. The assassination triggered World War I. Including a 3,400 man garrison, Sarajevo had 44.000 inhabitants in 1910 (12,000 Catholics, 19,000 Muslims, 8,000 Serbian Orthodox, 5,000 Jews); Catholic Archbishop. Orthodox Metropolitain, Ulama Madžlis (Islamic religious council). The commander of the 15th army corps was also the head of the provincial government. At the time of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, Sarajevo had a city hall (1892-1895), banks, churches, bazaar with mosque, advanced-level secondary school, teacher training college, numerous lower-level secondary schools, monasteries and convents, hospitals and a provincial museum.