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unbekannter Gast

Schönborn, Adelsgeschlecht#

Schoenborn, noble family originally from Hesse. Became barons in 1663, counts in 1701, settled in Austria in 1896. Split into three branches in the late 18th century (an Austrian line of S.-Buchheim, a Bavarian and a Bohemian line, from which the Viennese Archbishop Christoph Schoenborn descends). Other important personalities from the S. family are Count Friedrich Schoenborn and Count Friedrich Karl Schoenborn.

The family castle is situated in Lower Austria (Goellersdorf): J. L. von Hildebrandt built the 3-winged castle 1712-1717 for Friedrich Karl von S.; the chapel contains a painting by Peter Strudel as well as family portraits. In the gardens (now a golf course) an orangery was built in 1717 and a chapel dedicated to Johann Nepomuk in 1733.

Another palace in the eighth district of Vienna was also built by J. L. von Hildebrandt for Friedrich Karl von S. in the years 1706-1714. 1872-1897 it housed the University of Agricultural Sciences, until 1917 the provincial high court and court of appeal, and since 1920 it has housed the Austrian Folklore Museum. In 1740 Friedrich Karl von S. bought another palace in Vienna (first district) which J. B. Fischer von Erlach had built for A. Batthýany in 1706. The palace still belongs to the family (Mexican embassy); the gallery was sold in the early 20th century.


K. Bott, Bibliographie zur Geschichte des Hauses S., 1991.