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unbekannter Gast

Schöpfer, Ämilian#

b. Brixen/Bressanone (South Tyrol), April 29, 1848, d. nnsbruck (Tyrol), March 24, 1936, theologian and politician (Christian Socialist), journalist and publisher. Founded the "Brixener Chronik" in 1888; Professor of Theology. In 1889 founded the "Katholisch-politischer Pressverein" printing shop in Brixen/Bressanone, which has been publishing the "Tiroler Volksbote" since 1892, and in 1899 the Pressverein printing shop in Bozen/Bolzano, which became the basis of the Tyrolia publishing house with its printing shop in Innsbruck in 1907. From 1895 Member of the Tyrolean Landtag, founded the Christian Socialist Association in 1898 and fought against Catholic conservatives, from 1897 member of the Reichsrat, 1918-1919 member of the Provisional National Assembly, 1919-1920 member of the Constituent National Assembly, 1920-1927 member of the Nationalrat.


A. Klotz, Ae. S., 1936.