Scheyb, Franz Christoph von#
Scheyb, Franz Christoph von, b. Tengen (Germany), Feb. 26, 1704, d. Vienna, Oct. 2, 1777, epic poet, art theorist. Studied law in Vienna and entered the civil service, travelled widely, contacts with J.-J. Rousseau, Voltaire and other scholars and authors of the time; tried to popularise the poetics and the linguistic norms of J. C. Gottsched in Austria. Editor of "Peutingersche Tafel" (1753), created his own theory of art ("Natur und Kunst in Gemaelden, Bildhauereyen, Gebaeuden und Kupferstichen ...", 1770).
Further works#
Theresiade, 1746 (epic); Lobrede auf weiland Se. Hochgraefliche Excellenz Herrn Friedrich des Heil. Roem. R. Grafen von Harrach zu Rohrau ..., 1750; Musae Francisco ac Theresiae augustis congratulantur ..., 1756 (ed.; Festschrift on the reopening of Vienna University).Literature#
I. Tuma, F. C. S. (1704-1777). Leben und Werk, doctoral thesis, Vienna 1975.