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unbekannter Gast

Schmid, Hermann von#

b. Waizenkirchen (Upper Austria), March 30, 1815, d. Munich (Germany), Oct. 19, 1880. Narrative writer and dramatist. From 1843 at the Munich municipal court (Muenchner Stadtgericht), at the same time dramaturgical adviser at the Hoftheater; dismissed for political reasons in 1850; in 1870-1872 and 1877 director of the Volks- und Aktientheater am Gaertnerplatz, ennobled by king Ludwig II in 1876; author of widely read historical novels on Bavarian history. ("Mein Eden", 1862; "Die Tuerken in Muenchen", 2 vols., 1872). Influenced the Heimatkunst Movement (patriotic art movement) before the turn of the century.

Edition: Gesammelte Schriften, 32 vols., 1867-1874, Neue Folge, 18 vols., 1882-1884.


I. Klagges, Die geschichtl. Romane H. v. S., doctoral thesis, Wuerzburg, 1944.