Schulfunk und Schulfernsehen#
School Broadcasting: from 1932, and particularly from the 1950s, radio programmes intended for use in schools were regularly broadcast on Austrian radio; in 1984 these school broadcasts were replaced with other programmes (educational programmes ("Radiokolleg"), foreign language programmes, etc. ).
Austrian television school broadcasts started in 1959 and were the
first in the German-speaking area. A weekly "day of television
school broadcasts" was introduced in 1962. However, programmes
specifically produced for schools were very costly and were thus
discontinued in 1992. As the use of taped television broadcasts in
schools is somewhat problematic on account of copyright regulations, a
specific department in the Ministry for Education was created in 1992
and, in co-operation with the ORF, entrusted with the production,
sale and rental of audiovisual media for non-commercial use in