Sedlmayr, Hans#
b. Hornstein (Burgenland), Jan. 18, 1896, d. Salzburg, July 9, 1984. Art historian, university professor in Vienna (1936-1945) and Munich (1951-1964), 1965-1969 head of the newly-founded Department of Art History of the University of Salzburg; worked on diverse questions of art history and cultural philosophy, with special emphasis on the structure of works of art (influence of Gestalt psychology) and on iconology.
J. B. Fischer v. Erlach, 1925; Oe. Barockarchitektur, 1930; Die Architektur Borrominis, 1930; Verlust der Mitte, 1948; Die Entstehung der Kathedrale, 1950; Die Revolution der modernen Kunst, 1955; Epochen und Werke, 3 vols., 1959-1982.Literature#
E. Frodl-Kraft, H. S. (1896-1984), in: Wr. Jahrbuch f. Kunstgeschichte 44, 1991; F. Piel (ed.), H. S. 1896-1984. Verz. seiner Schriften, 1996 (with obituary).