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unbekannter Gast

Sever, Albert#

b. Zagreb, Croatia (then Agram), Nov. 24, 1867, d. Vienna, Feb. 12, 1942. Civil servant in a health insurance institution and Social-Democratic politician. 1911-1918 member of the Reichsrat, 1918-1919 member of the Provisional National Assembly, 1919-1920 member of the Constituent National Assembly, 1928-1934 member of the Nationalrat. 1919-1921 provincial governor of Lower Austria (before Vienna became a province of its own). During this time he passed an ordinance for permitting registry office marriages of divorced persons; as the Supreme and Constitutional Courts failed to agree on this question, the so-called "Sever marriages" remained valid.


Ein Mann aus dem Volk, 1956 (autobiography).


P. Sever, A. S., (1867-1942), doctoral thesis, Vienna 1969; U. Harmat, Ehe auf Widerruf?, Der Konflikt um das Eherecht in Oe. 1918-1938, 1999.