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unbekannter Gast

Soyfer, Jura#

Soyfer, Jura, b. Charkív (then Charkow, Ukraine), Dec. 8, 1912, d. Buchenwald concentration camp (Germany), Feb. 15/16, 1939, writer and journalist. Came to Vienna in the early 1920s, initially wrote political poems for the Socialist newspaper "Arbeiterzeitung". After the dissolution of the Social Democratic Party 1934 (described in his unfinished novel ´That´s how a party died´ - "So starb eine Partei") S. worked for the Communist Party, which had been banned. In 1937 arrested for communistic activism, 1938 granted an amnesty; arrested at the Swiss border by the National Socialists and imprisoned at first in Dachau (song "Dachau-Lied", 1938, music by H. Zipper), later in Buchenwald. His satirical plays and sequences, written for revue stages in Vienna, are particularly critical of social injustice and political illusionism.


dramas: Weltuntergang, 1936; Der Lechner Edi schaut ins Paradies, 1936; Astoria, 1937; Vineta, 1937. - Edition: Das Gesamtwerk, ed. by H. Jarka, 1980; Works in 3 vols., ed. By H. Jarka, 1984.


H. Jarka, J. S., 1987.