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St. Georgen bei Salzburg#

St. Georgen bei Salzburg, Province of Salzburg, municipality in the district of Salzburg-Umgebung, alt. 414 m, pop. 2,270, area 24.61 km2, in the north west of the Flachgau region, near the border to Lower Austria. - St. Felix mud-bath, Holzhausen theatre; Siglhaus (old wooden farm house, now local heritage museum), production of wood panels, concrete factory, some tourism. Deanery church built between 1749 and 1754 (earlier buildings from 788, 13th  century and 1499); Late Gothic St. Nicholas´ church at Holzhausen; late Gothic St. Mary's church with Baroque modifications (first documented mention in 790) at Obereching; St. Emmeram church (consecrated in 1443) at Untereching.


H. Miller et al., "Ad Georgii ecclesiam". Heimatchronik von St. Georgen bei Salzburg, 1989.