Steiner, Rudolf#
Steiner, Rudolf, b. Kraljevica (Croatia), Feb. 27, 1861, d. Dornach (Switzerland), March 30, 1925, religious philosopher, writer. Studied in Vienna; 1889-1896 at the Weimar "Goethe-Archiv", subsequently worked as journalist in Berlin. 1913 founded the Anthroposophical Society ("Allgemeine Anthroposophische Gesellschaft")with its cultural and teaching centre "Goetheanum" in Switzerland. S. was the first headmaster of the Waldorf School in Stuttgart, established for the children of the workers and employees of the Waldorf-Astoria cigarette factory by its general manager E. Molt in 1919.
mystery plays, publications on theolog., sociolog., philosoph., and econom. issues as well as in the field of medical hygiene. - Edition: Gesamtausgabe, ed. by the R.-S.-Nachlassverwaltung, 1961ff.Literature#
G. Wachsmuth, R. S. - Das literar. und kuenstlerische Werk, 1961; W. Kugler, R. S. und die Anthroposophie, 1978; W. Beck, R. S. Sein Leben und Werk, 1997; C. Lindenberg, R. S. Eine Biographie, 2 vols., 1997; E. Moetteli, Register zur R.-S.-Gesamtausgabe, 21998.