Steinle, Edward Jakob von#
Steinle, Edward Jakob von, b. Vienna, July 2, 1810, d. Frankfurt am Main (Germany), Sept. 18, 1886, painter of historical subjects; Nazarene; studied at the Vienna Academy under V. G. Kininger and L. Kupelwieser. From 1828 several years in Rome, where he joined the Nazarenes. Worked with F. Overbeck on the Portiuncula Chapel in Assisi, 1833 returned to Vienna, 1839 moved to Frankfurt. Worked with others on the wall painting of Frankfurt's historic town hall, the "Roemer", from 1850 teacher at the art institute "Staedelsches Kunstinstitut"; decorated several churches with frescoes and stained glass (e.g. Cologne Cathedral); created the designs of stained glass for the Vienna "Votivkirche" (around 1878/79).
A. M. v. S., E. v. S. - Des Meisters Gesamtwerk in Abbildungen, 1910; G. Jansen, Die Beziehung C. Brentano - E. v. S. als Grundlage einer religionspaedagog. Kunstkonzeption, 1992.