Sternberg, Caspar Graf#
Sternberg, Count Caspar, b. Prague (Czech Republic), Jan. 6, 1761, d. Březina (Czech Republic), Dec. 20, 1838, botanist, mineralogist. Promoted the establishment of botanists´ societies, congresses and museums (National Museum in Prague with its palaeontological collection). Originator of palaeobotanic studies in Austria together with F. Unger and C. von Ettingshausen. S. was in contact with Humboldt and Goethe and wrote a most instructive autobiography.
Versuch einer geognostisch-botan. Darstellung der Flora der Vorwelt, 1820-1832; Umrisse einer Geschichte der boehm. Bergwerke, 2 vols., 1836/1838.