Türing, Künstlerfamilie#
Tuering (also Duering, Thuering, Turing), family of stonemasons and master builders in Innsbruck (15th, 16th centuries). During the 1480s, the family was called to Innsbruck from Swabia by Duke Sigmund. From 1515-1520, the family workshop developed its own characteristic style for buildings and architectural sculptures, expressed in various court buildings in Innsbruck (e.g. Goldenes Dachl, 1497-1500; Hofkirche, 1549) and patrician houses (e.g. Trautsonhaus, 1541; Prechthaus, 1541; Helblinghaus, 1560). Among the most important members of the family are Niclas T. the Elder, Gregor T. and Niclas T. the Younger.
E. Egg, Kunst in Ti. - Baukunst und Plastik, 1970.