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unbekannter Gast


Thalgau, province of Salzburg, market town in the municipality of Salzburg-Land, alt. 545 m, pop. 4559, area 48.20 km2, summer tourist resort (60,319 overnight stays), situated in a valley in the eastern part of the Flachgau region, east of the city of Salzburg. - District court, Thalgauberg barracks, Hundsmarktmuehle Museum, sports and leisure centre; metal-processing industry, production of abrasives, CDs, construction and timber industry. - First documented mention in the early 8th century; late Baroque deanery church with Gothic-Baroque western spire (earlier buildings dated from 8th -10th centuries, rebuilt from 1747-1749) and Rococo-style furnishings, monumental crucifix (around 1700); deanery with parish house chapel (1754/1755, monumental Crucifixion group); Wartenfels castle ruins.


K. Haas, Thalgauer Heimatbuch, 1976.