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unbekannter Gast

Theater der Courage#

Theater der Courage, theatre run by S. Kadmon from 1931-1938, also performing under the name "Der liebe Augustin" as a cabaret in the basement of Cafe Prueckel in Vienna´s first district; reopened in 1945 by F. Eckhardt, taken over in 1946 by C. Merz, taken over again by S. Kadmon in 1947, who from 1949 ran the theatre under the name "Theater der Courage", presenting mainly plays critical of society and the zeitgeist (G. Kaiser, B. Brecht, W. Borchert) as well as works by young Austrian authors. In 1960 the theatre moved to new premises in the first district of Vienna; in 1981 E. Werner took over the accoutrements of the Theater der Courage and established it in premises in Drachengasse, where the theatre had a venue in a separate room from 1984.


M. Joukhadar, Theater der Courage, Geschichte, Intention, Spielplan und Wirkung einer Wiener Kellerbuehne, doctoral thesis, Vienna 1981.