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unbekannter Gast

Treumann, Karl#

Treumann, Karl, b. Hamburg (Germany), July 27, 1823, d. Baden (Lower Austria), April 18, 1877, actor, theatre manager, writer. From 1847 at the Theater an der Wien, from 1852 at the Carltheater in Vienna, where he performed with J. Nestroy and W. Scholz. 1860 took on the management of the Carltheater; the great success of Offenbach's "Orpheus in the Underworld", with Nestroy as Jupiter, set the stage for the development of Viennese Operetta. 1860 built the Theater am Franz-Josefs-Kai ("Kaitheater" or "T.-Theater"), which he directed until it was destroyed by a fire in 1863; 1863-1866 again manager of the Carltheater; translated operetta texts (mainly by J. Offenbach) and arranged them for the German stage.


Neues Wr. Theater, 1872. - Librettos (e.g. for the Strauss opera "Methusalem").


A. Bauer, Opern und Operetten in Wien, 1955.