Tschagguns, Voralberg, municipality in the district of Bludenz, alt. 685 m, pop. 2,237, area 57.67 km2, bi-seasonal tourist resort (302,348 overnight stays in 1992, mainly winter tourism) situated at the point where the Gauer Tal Valley joins the Montafon Valley. - Customs post, school of domestic science, provincial school skiing hostel, Golmerbahn (from Latschau to Golm, 1,732 m) funicular railway; storage power stations: Latschauwerk Tschagguns (built in 1950, 9 MW), Luenerseewerk Tschagguns (built in 1957, 232 MW) and Unterstufe Gampadels (built in 1924, 11.6 MW). - Baroque parish church (enlarged between 1812 and 1814) with Gothic choir (1452-1454), Rococo high altar (1774/1775) and altar with late Gothic miracle-working statue (around 1520); traditional Montafon Paarhof farmsteads with frescoes.