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unbekannter Gast

Uhl, Alfred#

b. Vienna, June 5, 1909, d. Vienna, June 8, 1992, composer, student of F. Schmidt; 1943 to 1979 professor at the Musikhochschule (now University of Music and Performing Arts) in Vienna. 1957 achieved a breakthrough as a composer with the premiere of his oratorio "Gilgamesch". 1970-1975 president of the AKM; 1959 awarded the Grand Austrian State Prize, 1980 the Austrian Decoration for Science and Art.

Further works#

Wer einsam ist, der hat es gut, 1960 (cantata); Der mysterioese Herr X, 1965 (opera). - Chamber music, orchestra works.


A. Witeschnik, A. U., 1966; G. Brosche (ed.), Musikal. Dokumentation A. U., exhibition catalogue, Austrian National Library, Vienna 1995.